About Us


Who We Are

Scandinavian Network for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (SNHCC) is a non-profit multidisciplinary organization for doctors, researchers and others with interest in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

We seek to promote interest, knowledge, teaching and research within HCC.
We support interaction and collaboration between centres within and outside the Scandinavian countries with interest within HCC
We function as a specialist advisory body for health authorities, health professionals and others within the field of HCC.
SNHCC organize Scandinavian courses in HCC, fully or in collaboration with other national and international societies.

SNHCC Governing Board

Gerda Elisabeth Villadsen
Gerda Elisabeth VilladsenPresident
Ville Sallinen
Ville SallinenBoard Member
Fredrik Åberg
Fredrik ÅbergBoard Member
Malin Sternby Eilard
Malin Sternby EilardTreasurer
Ulrik Carling
Ulrik CarlingExecutive Secretary
Åsmund Avdem Fretland
Åsmund Avdem FretlandBoard Member
Kirsten Vistisen
Kirsten VistisenBoard Member


Article 1: Name and scope of SNHCC (Scandinavian Network for Hepatocellular Carcinoma)

  • The name of the society is Scandinavian Network for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (SNHCC)
  • SNHCC is an multidisciplinary forum for doctors, researchers and others with interest in HCC in the Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
  • The purpose of SNHCC is to:
    • Promote interest, knowledge, teaching and research within HCC.
    • Support interaction and collaboration between centres within and outside the Scandinavian countries with interest within HCC.
    • Function as a specialist advisory body for health authorities, health professionals and others within the field of HCC.
    • Organize Scandinavian courses in HCC. This activity can also be organised in collaboration with other national and international societies.

Article 2: Membership

  • Any person with a professional, non-commercial interest (research, diagnosis or treatment) in HCC in Scandinavia may apply for regular membership in SNHCC. Application for membership should be sent as a written request to a member of the governing board.
  • Medical institutions or biomedical industry, or professionals from countries outside Scandinavia can be accepted as associate members. They will receive newsletters and may attend the meetings.
  • Membership may be cancelled on written resignation or when the annual fee has not been paid for two consecutive years, but may be reinstated with the approval of the Governing Board if all arrears are made up.
  • A member may resign at any time by filing his or her written resignation with the Executive Secretary, but such resignation shall not exempt him or her from payment of dues owed, including dues for the current year.

Article 3: Dues, contributions and funds

  • SNHCC is a non-profit organization. The purpose shall be exclusively educational, scientific, and charitable. Any net earnings of the Association or any of its activities shall be devoted exclusively to such purposes, and shall not benefit any individual.
  • Members pay an annual fee, to be decided by the governing board.
  • SNHCC may accept contributions and grants from commercial sponsors, provided that such contributions are allocated specifically to the promotion of the purposes of the society (article 1).

Article 4: Governing board

  • The governing board consists of six members, two from each membership country, elected by the general assembly.
  • Among these members, a president, a treasurer and a general secretary are selected at the discretion of the board.
    • The President shall have the final responsibility for all aspects of the Association. The President shall be Chair of the Governing Board and the General Assembly. The President shall recommend the appointment of members to standing and ad hoc committees to the Governing Board for approval, unless otherwise stated in the Rules and Bylaws. These shall be named at the regular meetings of the Governing Board.
    • The Executive Secretary shall be custodian of the corporate records, minutes and legal documents of the Association, and shall perform all duties pertinent to the office of Executive Secretary. He or she shall be responsible for and oversee all administrative aspects of the Association, including the secretarial functions of the Association. The Executive Secretary, for the duration of his/her term, shall also function as the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee of the Scientific Meetings of the Association.
  • The board members are appointed for a period of two years. The position as president and general secretary should alternate between the three countries and re-election of the president should not be possible.
  • Members of the governing board may serve for three consecutive periods. The maximal change of members of the board must not exceed three. Former members of the board may be eligible for a new period after a six year intermission.
  • The commissions of the governing board are:
    • To attend to current matters.
    • To produce an annual report for the general assembly
      • activity report
      • financial report
      • scientific report.
    • To appoint committees for specific tasks related to the purposes of the Society.
    • Develop collaboration with other societies with related interests.
  • Board meetings are held when the president or three members of the board decide. The Governing Board shall meet at least once (1) per year at latest 60 days prior to the General Assembly.
  • The board has a quorum when three members are present. If four or six members (including the president) are present at a governing board meeting, the president has casting vote. At least one board meeting is held yearly. The secretary keeps written reports from board meetings.
  • Members can put proposals to the governing board about all activities of the society.

Article 5: The General assembly

  • The General Assembly shall be composed of all regular members of the Association. All regular members shall be eligible to vote. Associate members have the right to promote and discuss matters of interest to the Association but are not eligible to vote.
  • The meeting of the General Assembly shall be held annually, as a rule during the Scientific Meeting of the Association. It shall be called by the Governing Board. Notice of all meetings shall be given to all members not later than forty (40) days before the date fixed for the meeting.
  • The functions of the General Assembly shall be:
    • To ratify the election and appointment of Governing Board members and the results of the vote for Councilors.
    • To ratify the actions of the Governing Board on acceptance of members.
    • To approve the report on activities and financials of the Association submitted by the Governing Board, thereby giving discharge to its members.
    • To approve the budget of the Association proposed by the Governing Board.
    • To vote upon changes in Constitution and Bylaws as recommended by the Governing Board.
    • To propose and vote for changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. Such changes must be submitted in writing to the President no later than two weeks before the general assembly.
    • To vote upon the dissolution of the Association and to ratify the decision of the Governing Board as to the disposition of the assets of the Association after dissolution.
    • To ratify decisions concerning the location of future Scientific Meeting.
    • To vote upon any item of business which the Governing Board brings before the General Assembly or are mandate by these Bylaws.
  • All decisions will be made by simple majority vote of those members present and eligible for voting at the General Assembly, unless otherwise stated in the Constitutions and Bylaws. The Chair has the deciding vote.

Article 6: Dissolution of SNHCC

The existence of this Association is intended to be perpetual.

In the event that this Association should be dissolved, the general assembly agree to do so with 2/3 of the votes, if at least half of the members are present. Alternatively, the society can be dissolved by mail or e-mail vote with 2/3 majority of those who respond.  The funds of SNHCC will in the case of dissolution be shared in three equal parts between the three national medial societies.


Thursday, 15 April 2010

Morten Ladekarl, Ordförande
Bård Røsøk, Sekreterare